
10 Best free movies streaming sites without sign up
1. 123Movies
123Movies is another best free movie streaming portal to stream free movies online. 123Movies is a new movie site but has good amount of movies and TV series to watch. If you are looking for a site to watch latest release movies as well as classic then 123Movies is the site for you. They have movies from 1999 to 2020 and you can find them from menu also you can find your favorite movies from Genres or by typing the movie's name in the search Bar.To watch movies on 123Movies all you have to find the movies and hit the play button and movies will start playing, also they provide 4-5 mirror links so if 1 link is not working you can use others to watch the movie. If you are not getting any movies or tv shows then you can request them to add movies or tv shows from Request Section and they will add them.
2. 5Movies
This is another site that’s great for movie lovers. 5Movies has a unique interface and a user-friendly layout. The homepage features a simple design that’s minimal, perfect for those of us who get overwhelmed by cluttered screens.5Movies’ best feature is its excellent search function, making this free streaming site a great option if you’re looking for a specific film.Like most sites on this list, 5Movies also allows you to sort by various categories to find what you’re looking for. You can check out movies by genre, most recently added, and most-watched.I ran into some ads on this site, but they were infrequent enough that it wasn’t a huge nuisance.
3. BMovies
This a new movie streaming site to watch latest movies online for free. If you want to watch latest movies and tv series online as soon as they release then BMovies is the site you need. This site has all latest Hollywood movies as well as classic movies to watch. No only movies you can watch your favorite tv shows and latest episode for free. To watch movies or tv series you don’t need an account but if you register for free account then some special features will be unlocked for you. Also you can request them to add your favourite movies if its not available in the site.
4. FMovies
FMovies is another great option for movie lovers. Movies on the website are in full without pop-up interruptions and ads. You do not even have to sign-up on FMovies to be a beneficiary of the great streaming service of this website. There are millions of irresistible videos on the platform. Different genres of movies are stuck in the database to satisfy viewers and give them quality movies in HD format.There's also a search button on the website where you can input the movie title, actor's name or country of production of a particular movie and search. You can also search movies based on genre. It's another fast means of fetching your favourite movie. Another feature that distinguishes the website from others is that it offers movies in 27 country languages.
5. GoMovies
GoMovies is another destination of movies lovers who loves to watch movies online free on their free time. If you are a hard core fan of Hollywood movies then this is another best place to watch movies online for you. Here you’ll get to watch all classic old movies as well as new released movies for free. This site does contain ads but it’s not that much. Also this site provides TV series to watch without registration so it’s all in one place.
6. Putlocker
Putlocker is yet another free movie streaming website with a great collection of movies and TV shows. The site has an enticing interface that is ever appealing to users’ eyes. Putlocker gives the impression that you will always find any movie you are looking for on its server and that’s right because the website features a vast collection of movies. Putlocker is one of the movies streaming sites that updates its collections daily, so if you can’t find that just released movie today, check back tomorrow and it will be available.
7. SolarMovie
SolarMovie is professionally designed to entice viewers and has a great that can not be compared to some other streaming websites. On SolarMovie, you can enjoy free movies without having to pay for registration, no sign-up required and you do not have to pay for subscriptions. You can comfortably choose any movie of your choice on the website without going through any stress.You have a free access to movies shot and produced in 13 different countries on the website. You cab choose movies based on year of release, genre and country. To meet up with the vast demand of viewers, SolarMovie is designed with all genres of movies from Action, Animation, Comedy, Biography and Adventure. While you will enjoy every movie you see on the website in HD format, you're sure to enjoy it without pop-ups and ads from the start to the end.
8. XMovies8
One of the most popular free movie streaming sites is XMovies8. You have an unlimited access to the website. It's very easy to operate and navigate through the website. It has a search button to launch you to your favourite movie at a single touch.There are thousands of movies on XMovies8 to keep you busy at leisure or when you finally take a break from work. You don't have to sign up on XMovies8 to enjoy videos. There are a lot of trendy, popular and latest movies on the website. You can also enjoy wide range of TV series on XMovies8 without having to pay a dime or register. Just make sure you have enough data stuck in your device, you can watch movies on the website for 24 hours non-stop.
9. YesMovies
Let’s move to the last option in this list. YesMovies is the right place for those who want to stream movies and TV series from around the world for free. There is no signing up, credit card requirements, and other fuss on this website.People who want to watch movies on this website can do it with ease and of course for free. This web has updated list of movies every day.Even the recently released ones are available on this site, although the quality is limited. Moreover, TV series provided by this site comes from many countries, including India and Pakistan.
10. YMovies
YMovies is one of the best free movie websites to stream new release movies online free. This movie site has huge data base of free movies. Here you’ll find new as well as old movies and classic movies too. To watch movies here you don’t have to pay a single penny and no need to create account. Movies are separated in different genres and by Release Year. Also you can find movies by country and by Alphabetically A-Z List.
Top 5 Best Sites to Stream Anime Movies Online Free
1. 9Anime
The first name on the list of the best anime streaming sites is 9Anime. If you want to know that what does 9Anime Stand For? Then let me tell you that 9Anime is one of the top HD anime sites. This is because it allows its users to access different anime shows easily. You can watch your favorite anime shows in any video quality (240p to 1080p) according to your choice. 9Anime can provide you anime shows with different categories like Romance, Action, Comedy, Horror, Adventure, etc with English Subbed and dubbed feature. And that is why we can consider it one of the best FREE Anime Streaming Services.
2. AnimeHeaven
AnimeHeaven provides many top animes for you to watch online for free. This anime website shows you the updated plot of the latest anime of the season. It provides high-quality anime videos and movies, and is only dedicated to streaming Japanese anime. In addition, you can watch the English animation series, which means you don't have to rely on subtitles to understand it.In addition, the site has a section where you can watch animated movies at any time and watch them in high quality. If you enjoy watching anime, AnimeHeaven is one of the best anime streaming sites you must try.
3. GoGoAnime
GoGoAnime is an excellent anime website where you can find the latest anime releases, the latest episodes of anime and anime movies you watch often, and the latest chapters of the comics you are reading. You can use the alphabetical list function of the website to browse the website effectively. You can browse the site efficiently by using the site’s alphabet list feature.If you are looking for a new anime to watch, you can choose from the various genres available on the site. For otaku who likes watching anime, this site is perfect. However, it has a lot of ads popping around, which can be annoying.
4. KissAnime
If you’re an addicted anime or manga lover, this is just your website. On the KissAnime website, you are presented with the best hand-picked, classy movies that are more than exciting to watch. Nevertheless, you will still see so many anime movies on this website. But for when your favorite anime is not on the homepage, use the search option to dig it out.There is never a time you won’t meet ongoing stories/movies on this site; therefore, you need to bookmark it and follow-up for endless entertainment on the movies you love.
5. MasterAnime
Now, you will not only stream anime movies, but also you can download them and playback anytime later on portable media players. The MasterAnime website is free for everyone to get access to and watch interesting/intriguing anime films; episodes are equally available. Already, MasterAnime receives millions of daily users on its website; therefore, the site is consistently updated with new movies almost every hour.Also, you’ll be able to get the specific genres of anime you wish to watch using the “quick filter” option or navigate to the styles you want. MasterAnime s very light, user-friendly, and there are so many animes to watch. Remember, you can download the animes on MasterAnime for further entertainment.
Best Website to Watch Korean Drama Online for Free
1. DramaCool
This website has a good selection of drama with impressive genre distribution. The quality of the drama is exceptional and easy to navigate between episodes. The sound quality of the drama and its subtitles are note-worthy and is done exceptionally well. This site is legal and is free to use without any need to sign-in. Advertisements are scarce if not present at all. The user interface is easy and interactive along with pleasing aesthetics. Moreover, this website is safe compared to most other websites when coming in terms of underage users. Hence this website is recommended for underage users for safe viewing of your favorite Korean drama.
2. KissAsian
Korean dramas are very frequently added on this website. Not only can Korean dramas be downloaded, but other dramas like Japanese and Chinese dramas are also can be found on it, which makes this website a primary choice for users. The graphic user-interface of this website is also a very interesting part which cannot be ignored. You can navigate to any Korean drama series very easily by searching it manually.