Gallup Report Finds Germany Remains Top-Rated Global Power for Seventh Year, Gains Additional Ground in Europe and Asia

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WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#RatingWorldLeaders–A new Gallup report based on interviews in more than 130 countries and territories shows that the global distribution of power remained largely unchanged in 2023. With approval ratings stuck in the 40s, neither the U.S. nor Germany received a global endorsement of their leadership. However, both were still in much stronger positions than Russia — whose approval rating remained near a record low after its invasion of Ukraine — and China — whose approval rating edged up slightly but is still on the lower end of its trend.

In 2023, median approval of Germany’s leadership across 134 countries and territories stood at 46%, making it the top-rated global power for the seventh year in a row. Last year marked the country’s second full year under Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s leadership, with the rating remaining unchanged from 2022 but still higher than most ratings throughout former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s tenure.

Germany continues to have the highest-rated leadership in both Europe and Asia. Approval of Germany’s leadership was up slightly in Europe, rising from 56% in 2022 to 60% last year, while its rating remained relatively flat in Asia, increasing marginally from 39% to 41%. In the Americas, Germany’s rating did not improve from 2022, keeping it second behind the U.S. at 29%.

The other three countries continue to lag behind Germany significantly. The U.S. remains in second place behind Germany, with a median 41% approval rating in the region, while China and Russia earned ratings of 16% and 7%, respectively.

Key findings from Gallup’s Rating World Leaders 2024 report include:

  • U.S. leadership ratings around the world remained flat; Germany was the top power for the seventh straight year.
  • Majorities approve of U.S. leadership in eight European countries, including fellow G7 and NATO member Germany, where the 52% who approved in 2023 is notably the highest rating that Gallup has tracked since 2012.
  • Germany increased its lead in Europe with a median approval of 60%, up from 2022, but still lags behind the 63% measured in the last year of Angela Merkel’s tenure.
  • As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, the majority of adults worldwide continue to disapprove of Russia’s leadership. Disdain for Russia remained strong in Europe. However, there were signs of it softening elsewhere, particularly in Africa.

Implications Beyond 2024:

The lack of change in approval ratings of major powers in 2023 could be the world holding its breath in anticipation of a potential shakeup in the global order. The world already knows it will have President Vladimir Putin to deal with for at least the next six years. What will happen in November 2024 in the U.S. is far less certain. The results could fundamentally reshape U.S. foreign policy — again — and change its role in the global order.

The world could also see changes in Germany. Although Germany’s elections will not take place until late next year, a resurgence of the country’s far-right is raising questions about its future leadership role in Europe and abroad.

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The Gallup World Poll is the most comprehensive and farthest-reaching survey of the world. The survey connects with more than 98% of the world’s adult population through annual, nationally representative surveys with comparable metrics across countries. The Gallup World Poll is used to measure and track progress on several U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and is the official statistic for work and life for 55+ indexes and metrics associated with the most important aspects of individuals’ lives, their communities and their countries.


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