USA Energy Workers Hosts 3rd Annual Earth Day Celebration and Tree Dedication

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LAFAYETTE, La.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#energyUSA Energy Workers, an organization founded by Scott Angelle to elevate and celebrate the contributions of USA energy workers, today held its third annual Balancing the 3Es Earth Day Worker Appreciation and Celebration. This year’s Lafayette Parish festivities were combined with St. Martin Parish festivities, two (2) Louisiana parishes with a history of supporting our nation’s economy through responsible energy development with a focus on a sustainable environment. Due to inclement weather on Friday, the two events were combined into one and hosted on Saturday, April 22, 2023, in historic downtown Breaux Bridge.

Participants enjoyed a sunrise blessing, tree dedication; and received educational resources on how to protect our environment through reducing, reusing, and recycling by Parish Proud and USA Energy Workers at Earth Day Zydeco Breakfast, with featured musician Horace Trahan at Buck and Johnny’s Restaurant.

Sarah Mary Toce-Donlon, Development Director of Parish Proud, shares, “We are so pleased to be part of this effort for the third year in a row. Our mission is to connect people to places and possibilities. When we get the opportunity to collaborate with a group like USA Energy Workers, who do the important work of energizing America while caring about the environment, we can truly transform and inspire others in building better communities together in Louisiana and beyond …and stand ‘Parish Proud!’”

“This Earth Day, and every day, we reflect on the responsibility we have to protect Mother Earth, and we applaud our American energy workers for the many positive contributions they have made to the health of our environment through their responsible development of energy,” USA Energy Workers Founder Scott Angelle said. “Without their innovation and dedication, America would not be home to some of the most climate-advantaged production in the world. Our USA Energy Workers do it better than anyone on the planet and we are certain, as the truth is made known, more and more Americans will come to value and appreciate the contributions of our USA Energy Workers.

“For more than half a century, our energy workers have worked to Balance the 3Es®– Environment, Energy and Economy – by keeping our environment safe, our economy strong, and producing the energy we need to enjoy simple luxuries like lighting, heating, and cooling our homes, or fueling some of humankind’s most ambitious endeavors. Additionally, oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico generates billions of dollars in royalty payments to the U.S. government every year, which funds conservation and restoration efforts in our national parks, forests, coastal areas and wildlife refuges.

“If we are to continue improving our global environment while achieving energy security here at home in the wake of international turmoil, we must utilize our American energy workers and our domestic resources including the Gulf of Mexico, as has been our nation’s bi-partisan practice for over 5 decades between 13 U.S. presidents. Our environment, our economy, and indeed our energy consumers are counting on our USA energy workers. The Biden Administration can immediately unleash America’s energy workers by approving a new 5-year offshore leasing program to include regularly scheduled lease sales. Asking OPEC to increase production while vilifying American production is not a solution, but rather an insult – an insult to our USA Energy Workers. As we celebrate Earth Day 2023, let us take a moment to thank our USA Energy Workers and refocus our national energy policy on the advantages of American Energy. We can help tame inflation, reduce ‘pain at the pump,’ all while improving the health of Mother Earth.”

An introductory video on USA Energy Workers, narrated by Scott Angelle:

Scott A. Angelle, the longest serving Director of U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, also held positions in Louisiana as Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of LA Department of Natural Resources and Chairman, Louisiana Public Service Commission. Angelle was recognized by the GAO, a nonpartisan, fact-based agency, for significant improvements in offshore safety and environmental compliance. Scott is the CEO and Lead Strategist of Angelle Partners and founder of USA Energy Workers.


Scott A. Angelle, [email protected]


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