Exxon strikes oil at Lancetfish-1 well

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Hess Corporation on Wednesday announced a new oil discovery at the Lancetfish-1 well on the Stabroek Block, offshore Guyana. The Lancetfish-1 well encountered approximately 92 feet of oil-bearing sandstone reservoir.

The well was drilled in 5,843 feet of water by the Noble Don Taylor and is located approximately 4 miles southeast of the Fangtooth discovery.

Ten wells planned for Stabroek Block in 2023 – Hess

Meanwhile, Hess said the Kokwari-1 exploration well was drilled during the first quarter of the year but did not encounter commercial quantities of hydrocarbons.

Hess is a 30% stakeholder in the Stabroek Block where ExxonMobil is operator with 45% interest. CNOOC holds a 25% stake in the acreage.


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