Public concerns or complaints related to ExxonMobil’s operations in Guyana can be recorded and addressed through a Community Grievance Mechanism.

The company’s Media and Communication Manager, Janelle Persaud, pointed out to reporters on Wednesday that the Mechanism’s purpose is for stakeholders to provide feedback to any issues or concerns, guidance, requests and/or complaints associated with their activities in a confidential manner.
It allows the company to “continuously improve project performance” and to demonstrate their commitment to meaningful stakeholder engagement and “respect for Guyanese opinions and concerns.”
Concerned stakeholders can contact ExxonMobil Guyana to submit feedback in multiple ways.
These include in person, either to an ExxonMobil Guyana employee or representativee via telephone at (592) 623-1176 or via email at [email protected].
Complaints can also be lodged by mail to Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited, c/o Grievance Coordinator; address 86 Duke Street, Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana.