Letter-to-the-Editor: Oil success contributing to sustainable financial future for Guyanese citizens

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Dear Editor,

Having now entered the new year, Guyanese are both anxious and hopeful for their financial future. Since the country began producing oil in 2019, many of us have been at the edge of our seats waiting impatiently to see an increase in our monthly salaries and an improvement in our daily lives. While that process has been slow, it is now proving to be extremely helpful.

Editor, as you may know, the president in his New Year address to the nation announced that the $100,000 cash grant will not be a one-time payment, but rather the start of a sustained programme of direct economic transfer aimed at empowering Guyanese citizens.

Many persons like myself, were worried that what technically belongs to the Guyanese people (oil monies) would be kept from us. Thankfully, given the success of the oil and gas sector in 2024, which saw the production of over 650,000 barrels of oil per day, financial stability looks attainable.

While the non-oil sectors have also contributed to Guyana’s huge economic growth, the oil and gas industry has played a pivotal role that cannot be understated. Editor, in the last few months of 2024, in every corner of Georgetown I’ve heard what people plan to do with their cash grants. Guyanese are finally reaping the benefits of this resource, and it feels good to bare witness to such a time in our history. This move has shown that while Guyana is a topic of conversation in the global oil market, the livelihoods of its people remain a priority.

While I have not decided what I will do with my $100,000 as yet, there’s a little peace in knowing that my immediate future isn’t filled with ‘what if’s’ with regard to my finances, and my distant future looks promising as a Guyanese citizen. This grant will help ease my financial burdens once it becomes a long-term program, as it undoubtedly would for many across Guyana. One less issue to worry about thanks the expanding oil and gas sector.


Donald Singh


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