STATEMENT: Opposition condemns Venezuela’s ‘Guayana Esequiba’ defence zone as reckless aggression

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See below full statement issued by the Parliamentary Opposition of Guyana:

The Parliamentary Opposition totally rejects the action taken by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to create an entity, the “integral defence zone” called “Guayana Esequiba.” This development is not only abhorrent but has dangerous implications for the existing territorial controversy and represents a flouting of the recent decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Above all this represents a major threat to the peace and stability of the region.

The Parliamentary Opposition therefore calls on the local, regional and the international community not only to reject this reckless action but also to denounce it in clear and unambiguous terms. The world must understand and reject the “integral defence zone” called “Guayana Esequiba” represents not only a violation of the charter of the United Nations, international law and practice but also sets a dangerous precedent, which is potentially destabilizing for the Latin American and Caribbean region.

It must be clear that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has embarked on a dangerous and destabilizing exercise. The Government and people of Guyana have done nothing to provoke this aggression from its western neighbor. On the contrary, it has pursued a policy of peace as it has sought to resolve the territorial controversy with Venezuela through such instruments as the Geneva Agreement, the Protocol of Port of Spain, the Good Officer Process, the enhanced Good Officer Process and finally, the ICJ.

The validity of the 1899 Award which delimited the boundary between Guyana and Venezuela and which Venezuela now considers to be null and void is before the ICJ at the present time. Instead of allowing the judicial process to take its course, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has engaged in the naked act of aggression against the people of Guyana.


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