Noble Developer to drill three wells offshore Suriname

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Noble Corporation announced on Monday that it has entered an agreement with PETRONAS Suriname E&P B.V. for the high-specification semisubmersible rig Noble Developer to drill three wells offshore the South American country.

Noble said the contract is expected to commence around June 2025, with an estimated duration of 200 days. The firm contract value is approximately $84 million including additional services provided, mobilization and demobilization fees. The parties have further agreed to add a one-well option to the contract.

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“We are excited to extend our partnership with PETRONAS in Suriname through this agreement for the Noble Developer. The Developer has previously operated for PETRONAS in Suriname, and we look forward to getting the rig back to work in mid-2025,” said Blake Denton, SVP of Marketing & Contracts.

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The Noble Developer is currently available and located offshore Trinidad and Tobago. The company said preparations for the upcoming PETRONAS work scope are set to commence immediately.

Last November, PETRONAS hit pay at the Roystonea-1 exploration well in Block 52 offshore Suriname. In addition to Block 52, PETRONAS Suriname also operates block 48 with a 100% participating interest and holds a 30% non-operating participating interest in the adjacent Block 53, where the Baja-1 oil discovery was made in 2022.


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