
Features for Guyana’s crude oil sale delivery point

The Government of Guyana Agreement may identify the Delivery Point or Points, putting the actual location of the Delivery Point beyond discussion. However, the investing parties should also agree to the procedures for measurement and calibration of measurement equipment...

Options for Guyana’s crude oil disposition

Crude oil to be produced from an Exploitation Area shall be taken and disposed of in accordance with the rules set out in the agreed lifting procedures. Arguably, this is the best and the hardest option. It presupposes that...

Considerations for an oil and gas lifting agreement for Guyana

In offering an exploration opportunity in a block, the motivation of the government largely is to encourage investment in the form of exploration activities, such as shooting seismic and exploration drilling. The prime objective of the oil company is...

The structure and features of the global oil market for Guyana

The members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) negotiate over production allocations. This is as opposed to restricting their choice set to non-cooperative or fully cooperative strategies. There are two stages in the OPEC decision tree...

Oil supply between OPEC’s cartelization and new producers such as Guyana

The oil supply market is a complex system with complex rules and multiple interactions among the petroleum exporting countries and non-OPEC countries such as Guyana, which makes the modelling and forecasting of market behaviour a challenging task. The...

Protracted elections could see Guyana losing hundreds of millions from delay in project approvals

By Kevin Ramnarine - OilNOW  Last Friday, in presenting its first quarter 2020 results, Exxon mentioned that the Payara project would be delayed by at most twelve months and the target of 750,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) production...

Relationship between petrodollar and oil price shocks for Guyana

The crude oil market has a dominant impact on the total connectedness of the crude oil currency-implied volatility relationship, suggesting that crude oil affects currencies more than currencies affect crude oil during oil price volatilities. However, during the crude...

Network structure of oil producing countries and the impact of oil price changes

Fluctuations in oil prices have caused oil-producing countries to design policies to control the global oil production and increase oil prices. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) regularly takes actions to coordinate its members’ oil production decisions...

OPINION: Bottom has fallen out for WTI oil prices: close watch on Brent futures for Guyana

West Texas Intermediate crude turned negative today, reaching the lowest on record with its seventh consecutive decline and the biggest fall on record. Chevron and Exxon led losses in the blue-chip index as West Texas oil futures expiring Tuesday...

Oil prices, OPEC and non-OPEC oil production: coordination for Guyana

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was established in Baghdad in 1960. The founding members were Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Later on, the following members joined the organization: Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, United Arab Emirates...

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An inside look at the complex nature of moving a drillship 

Relocating a drillship requires careful planning and execution, according to Richard Wells, International Logistics Manager at Stena Drilling, who...