
Understanding the dynamics of the global oil market: OPEC and non-OPEC production

Crude oil is a major component of modern lifestyle. It has played an important role in many world events for over a hundred years. Wars have been fought over crude oil, and energy security is one of the major...

Policy interventions for Guyana’s dependency on crude oil and financial implications

In the context of the oil price volatility (OVP), which is occurring, the global dependency on crude oil has serious financial implications; chiefly, trade deficits are now foremost the result of expenditure allocated to crude oil imports. Expenditure devoted...

Responses to oil price volatility for Guyana’s emerging oil economy

The occurrence of certain events is probable in the precarious economic environment created by Oil Price Volatility (OPV); inflation and unemployment are both likely to increase, while investment, stock market returns, consumer demand, and industrial production are likely to...

Impact of oil price shock on Guyana’s macroeconomic activities

Crude oil is an important source of energy and used in domestic as well as transport and industrial sector widely. This is the reason it is considered as the crucial and important factor of economic development of the country....

The potential economic effects of a global pandemic on the Guyanese economy

The global economic activity will be more strongly affected by a pandemic with high infection rates rather than high virulence rates, all else being equal. At the regional level, regions with a higher degree of economic integration with the...

Market arrangements for Guyana’s gas supply framework

In a market-oriented framework, it is partly up to customers themselves to determine what degree of security they want – for example, they can install back-up systems, they can physically contract for gas and/or become actual or virtual storage...

Measuring and valuing Guyana’s potential for gas security of supply

Energy is a vital part of every aspect of modern life in Guyana and for our continued economic prosperity. There is at present no universally accepted definition of security of supply and how this should be measured. Factors such...

Factors to consider for a gas generation strategy for Guyana

Natural gas generating capacity will form an integral part of Guyana’s future energy generation mix and it will be a reliable and flexible source of electricity. Using gas as a fuel in the power stations will provide a significant...

The importance of transparency for Guyana’s petroleum management

Institutional mechanisms that could be implemented through a Natural Resource Fund (NRF) covers those that aim to promote transparency and the dissemination of information. It bears emphasizing that the mechanisms that have been discussed for dividing power are also,...

Separation of powers to govern Guyana’s political economy

A reliance on rules is vulnerable to the possibility that policymakers have incentives to break them. In states where the costs of breaking rules are low, therefore, other mechanisms are needed to change policymakers' incentives. An alternative to (or reinforcement...

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An inside look at the complex nature of moving a drillship 

Relocating a drillship requires careful planning and execution, according to Richard Wells, International Logistics Manager at Stena Drilling, who...