
Opportunities for State participation in Guyana’s oil development

The establishment of state oil companies is very common in oil-producing countries. Most petroleum producing countries have incorporated state participation in their licensing regulations and/or legislation. The establishment of a national oil company can be justified on several grounds. ...

Attractiveness and productivity to serve the Guyana offshore basin

The pressure to source supplies from Guyana can lead to increased exploration, development and operating costs. Guyana’s offshore oil activity levels will be very sensitive to movements in oil prices and costs. At any one time in a province...

Realisable economic rents and local risks for the Guyanese offshore licencing option

The introduction of a contingent system of taxation is not the only possible response to the existence of exploration risk. The state could reduce the perceived risks by financing a programme of geological research. The fruits of this research...

Policy considerations for the licencing arrangements of Guyana offshore blocks

To maximize the potential national benefits appropriate licensing, taxation, depletion and pricing policies are required. Given the high degree of geological uncertainty in the early years, some use of the discretionary licensing system to award acreage was appropriate, but...

Factors to consider for licencing Guyana offshore oil blocks

Bocks are those where the initial term (normally x years) has expired and there has been no drilling for a period of y years and no dedicated seismic or other significant activity for a period of z years;...

Energy-on-energy pricing for a Guyanese spot market

If the oil companies could have fought harder against the subversions of their markets by spot pricing, assume that they would have. Nonetheless, despite their principled objections and huge power, there was nothing they could have done to halt...

The development of a Guyanese energy spot market

There is prima facie evidence to suggest that a utility company is characterised by allocative inefficiency in its charging policies. However, improvement depends less on privatisation per se than on the form of the privatised energy industry. This can...

Local regionalisation and regulatory framework for Guyana’s future energy market

Privatisation of the energy industry will only be effective in improving efficiency to the extent that it creates a market in the purchase and sale of energy; in other words, only if the present public sector monopoly can be...

Beyond GDP for Guyana: measure economic well-being and prosperity

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is without question one of our most important economic indicators. It tells us about the size and shape of the economy. It helps the government and the fiscal institutions to manage the economy, for example...

Efficiency and options for privatisation of Guyana’s energy market

The concept of efficiency and its measurement are contentious. Hence, the option for the route of introducing a more competitive environment, and to consider whether this might prove a more effective approach to improving the electricity industry’s performance; is...

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Suriname team tours Guyana’s FPSO simulator unit as oil development advances

SBM Offshore Guyana hosted a Local Content taskforce from Staatsolie, Suriname’s national oil company, at the Facility Simulator (FacTor)...