Caribbean Council panel discussion to focus on Guyana’s oil future

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As Guyana continues to come to terms with its new economic prospects, two young Guyanese professionals will be part of a virtual oil and gas panel discussion hosted by The Caribbean Council on Tuesday September 8, 2020, entitled ‘What does the future hold for Guyana and its New Administration?’

Slated for 3.30 pm BST / 10.30 am EDT, the panel discussion’s guests will be G. Bobby Gossai Jr. – Ph.D student, economist and policy and risk analyst – and Nikhil Ramkarran – partner at Cameron and Shepherd Law Firm. The moderator for the panel discussion will be Chris Bennett, Managing Director of The Caribbean Council.

The event will be streamed live via the OilNOW Facebook Page.

The Caribbean Council is a trade and investment consultancy and membership organisation, specializing in providing advisory services to companies, trade associations, governments, public sector organisations, and regional organisations. Through its activities, The Caribbean Council supports private sector led investment and development in the Caribbean, Cuba and Central America.

Gossai Jr. said Guyana is expected to see an overall economic growth in 2020 with further positive projections over the next two years, mainly due to the new oil production in the South American country which is projected to boost the country’s GDP growth to an unprecedented level despite the decline in oil prices.

Following general elections on March 2, 2020 and a prolonged period of disputed results, ensuing court challenges and recounts, the final results were declared, and a new administration sworn in during early August.

“With the new administration in place and the new economic environment, Guyana certainly has a transformational landscape with the opportunity to develop a framework to strategically position the future development of the country,” Gossai Jr.  said.


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