Exxon to move into new US$160 million Guyana HQ this year – Routledge

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ExxonMobil Guyana is preparing to transition into its new headquarters, a US$160 million state-of-the-art facility located at Ogle, East Coast Demerara, in 2024. 

During a press conference on February 9, ExxonMobil Guyana President Alistair Routledge said there is “a lot of work to be executed in that finalization but we’ll occupy it this year.”

If all goes well, this move can begin in the third quarter.

The headquarters will be capable of housing over 500 persons and will include an offshore command center designed to enhance the management of Exxon’s offshore operations.

Routledge said he recently visited the construction site and that “the two buildings from an external point of view are substantially complete.” He said the remaining work is largely internal, focusing on finishing touches such as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work, alongside final fittings. 

The new headquarters will feature advanced technological capabilities, including a floor dedicated to operating facilities such as control rooms and monitoring facilities, all connected by fiber optic cable to Exxon’s offshore projects. This connectivity is aimed at ensuring efficient management of production, supporting remote operations, and enhancing reliability through process monitoring and inspection. The fiber optic cable, which will follow the same route as the pipeline for Guyana’s Gas-to-Energy project, will also allow for the detection of leaks and third-party intrusions.

The full cost of the offshore command center is estimated at US$160 million, a cost that ExxonMobil will recover from oil production. 

The smaller building currently in use, located in the capital city Georgetown, is becoming less suitable to house the company’s growing onshore operations. 

Exxon continues to explore offshore Guyana, proving reserves and racking up developments. The company has already plugged US$29 billion into its Guyana operations and is set to invest tens of billions more in the coming years.


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