The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) announced a substantial oil discovery in Block 2813A (PEL83), Orange basin, offshore Namibia. NAMCOR, with a 10% carried interest, collaborated with partners Galp Energia (80%, operator) and Custos (10%) in the successful Mopane-1X exploration well.
Confirming the initial announcement made on January 2, 2024, the PEL 83 joint venture partners revealed the discovery of a significant column of light oil in high-quality reservoir-bearing sands within the Cenomanian-Turonian interval. The well was drilled by the semi-submersible Hercules rig.
This was the second oil discovery in the upper cretaceous Orange basin, which the company said showcases a functional petroleum system in addition to proven hydrocarbon presence in the lower cretaceous from the 2022 oil discoveries.
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The discovery is seen as a pivotal moment in Namibia’s pursuit of becoming a key player in the global energy market. The PEL 83 JV partners plan to conduct a crucial drill stem test (DST) in the coming weeks to assess the commercial potential of the discovery, with ongoing analysis of acquired data.

NAMCOR said the Mopane-1X drilling operations will continue to explore deeper targets within the block. Upon completion, the rig will relocate to the Mopane-2X site to further evaluate the extent of the discovery.
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Shiwana Ndeunyema, Interim Managing Director of NAMCOR, expressed great enthusiasm, stating, “This is an amazing time for Namibia and NAMCOR. The Mopane-1X discovery is not just a significant achievement for our organization but also a beacon of hope for the entire nation’s economic future. We are immensely pleased with these results and excited about the potential opportunities this opens up for our country.”
Experts say Guyana and Namibia are set to sit at the top as pivotal exploration hubs in the foreseeable future.