Liza Destiny FPSO among top 5 highest scoring vessels for safety in SBM Offshore’s global fleet

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The Liza Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel which is producing oil offshore the South American country of Guyana is among the top five highest scoring units for safety in SBM Offshore’s global fleet.

The Dutch floater specialist, builder and operator of the FPSO, recently launched the ‘Fleet Target Excellence Challenge’, recognizing HSSE and PSM performance across all the company’s offshore units. The programme has been running for a full quarter.

“The 2020 results show the FPSO Liza Destiny coming in as the fourth highest scoring unit of SBM Offshore’s global fleet of 14 FPSOs,” Julien Cambon, SBM Offshore Operations Regional HSSE Manager said in a comment to OilNOW. “This is an excellent achievement for a unit which started production one year ago only. Congratulations to all – on and offshore.”

The Fleet Target Excellence Challenge supports SBM Offshore’s group-wide ‘Target Excellence’ goals of ‘No harm, No leaks, and No defects’ and measures excellent offshore safety and operational performance against both lagging and leading indicators.

The FPSO completed its first year of oil production operations offshore Guyana with no Lost Time Incident being recorded over the period.

“If a site were to have an accident that meant someone missed even one day of work, that’s what we call a Lost Time Incident in our line of business or LTI. So, we’re happy to share that our Liza Destiny journey has shown one year without anyone receiving a Lost Time Incident,” ExxonMobil Guyana HSSE Manager, Brad Edlington stated in a recent presentation.

The company said the Liza Destiny FPSO has had a commendable safety record to date as well as the multiple drillships operating offshore.

“Since 2018, the teams on the drillships and the Liza Destiny have worked more than 11.5 million hours without a lost time injury,” Public and Government Affairs Advisor, Janelle Persaud told OilNOW.

Over two thousand Guyanese currently support ExxonMobil’s operations in-country and the company said this team is playing an integral role in building the safety culture that will be the foundation for future developments offshore.


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