Exxon targeting new Guyana exploration well this month as search for more crude ramps up

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Exploration and appraisal drilling offshore Guyana are moving forward on schedule with a new well expected to be spudded this month on the prolific Stabroek block. After wrapping up the Bulletwood-1 campaign in the Canje block, the Stena Carron drill ship will move to the Koebi-1 prospect, located some 16 miles North East of Liza.

“The next exploration well that will be drilled is Koebi-1 which is located approximately 16 miles North East of Liza. This well will target Liza type Campanian age reservoirs and is expected to spud in February using the Stena Carron Drillship,” said Greg Hill, Chief Operating Officer of Hess Corporation, a 30% stakeholder in the Stabroek block.

Koebi-1 is the first of two exploration wells to be drilled by operator, ExxonMobil, and its co-venturers at the Stabroek block in the coming months. Two appraisal wells are also expected to be drilled on the block over the same period.

“In March, we expect to spud the Longtail-3 appraisal well which will provide additional data on the Turbot- Longtail area and we will drill a deeper section that will target lower Campanian and Santonian Geologic Intervals,” Hill said. The Stena DrillMAX, one of two additional rigs being added to Exxon’s fleet offshore Guyana in the coming months, is expected to drill this well.

“Moving to April, we expect to spud the Uaru 2 appraisal well, utilising the Noble Don Taylor Drill Ship. Success here and at Mako-2 which will be drilled later this year could move the Mako-Uaru area forward in the development cue,” Hill added.

Then in May, the Stabroek explorers will spud the Redtail-1 exploration well located approximately 12 miles east of Liza. “This well will test Campanian and Santonian age reservoir intervals and will be drilled by the Stena Drill Max,” Hill pointed out.


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