Vessel Review: The cylindrical Haikui No. 1 FPSO 

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China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) last June delivered Haikui No. 1, a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit built by Qingdao CNOOC Offshore Engineering. 

The FPSO is the first in Asia to use a cylindrical design. 

CNOOC said the design allows it to withstand super typhoon conditions and ensures a 30‐year service life. It can operate continuously for 15 years before drydocking.

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The non‑self‑propelled vessel has a hull diameter of 90 meters and a displacement of 100,000 tonnes. Over 400 kilometers of welded steel and 507 kilometers of pipes and cables were used in its construction. The FPSO consists of a hull and an upper block divided into 41 modules for processing, power generation, electrical installations, and crew living spaces.

It processes 5,600 tonnes of crude oil daily and can store up to 60,000 tonnes. The cylindrical design improves durability and offers enhanced resistance to wind and wave motion despite lacking a single‑point mooring system. Ten cargo tanks store oil while 16 ballast tanks adjust the vessel’s center of gravity for stability.

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Other features include an intelligent central control system, a natural gas double‑tower process desulphurization system, machinery monitoring, a helicopter deck, and a hydraulic submersible pump. The FPSO also employs a dual‑fuel generator paired with a natural gas desulphurization device to utilize associated gas.

The vessel meets both the China Classification Society and DNV class rules. It operates in the South China Sea at the Liuhua 11‑1 oil field near the Pearl River Estuary in water depths of 324 meters. Production began on August 31, 2024. 


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