
Court hands Trump another defeat in bid to block Obama-era oil and gas methane emissions rule

A U.S. District Court judge has blocked the Interior Department from suspending an Obama-era rule meant to prevent planet-warming methane from escaping during oil and natural gas operations. According to a CNBC report, the ruling marks the latest setback for...

Brazil to decide in first half on Total’s Amazon River basin drilling

(Reuters) - Brazil environmental agency Ibama will decide on French oil firm Total’s application to drill in the environmentally sensitive Amazon river basin before the end of May, and possibly as soon as the end of March, an agency...

Houston firm sues ex Venezuelan oil czar Ramirez over bribes

(ABC News) Venezuela's former oil czar Rafael Ramirez was sued Friday by a Houston company that alleges he was behind demands for at least $10 million in bribes to sign off on deals to sell its energy assets in...

Maduro claims Venezuela lifted oil production by 250,000 Bpd

(OilPrice) While analyst estimates and official figures show that Venezuela’s crude oil production continues to plummet amid a severe economic crisis and cash crunch, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro—true to his rhetoric--said on Thursday that the country’s oil production had increased...

Venezuela’s main source of cash is dwindling at breathtaking pace

(CNN Money) The country's oil output in January fell to its lowest level in nearly 30 years, not including a brief oil strike in 2003, according to S&P Global Platts. A monthly OPEC report published Monday revealed Venezuela pumped 1.6...

US to help Jamaica if Venezuela cuts oil

(Jamaica Observer) United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Saturday assured Jamaica that Washington would assist the Government in overcoming any fallout arising from supporting efforts to promote democracy in Venezuela. Tillerson, who was speaking at a press conference...

Legal team compiling report on UN border controversy ruling

A legal team of advisors at Guyana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Relations and Co-operations, is currently finalizing its report charting a roadmap for the Cabinet Counsel of Minister’s consideration this week. This, as the South American nation prepares to...

Alberta’s oil industry facing perfect storm of awful

(Hart Energy) A funk has settled over the Alberta oil industry as low prices, pipeline system constraints, storage shortfalls, and limited rail shipping have combined in a perfect storm that is costing producers millions of dollars every day. While the...

Shell sweeps nine of 19 blocks awarded in Mexico oil auction

(Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) snapped up nine of 19 Gulf of Mexico oil and gas blocks awarded in a Mexican auction on Wednesday, as the global oil major raised its big bet on Latin America’s deep waters. Mexican...

Border controversy between South American oil neighbours headed for ICJ

A bitter border controversy between oil giant Venezuela and its eastern neighbour, Guyana, has been referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by United Nation’s Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. The development obtains since the two countries were unable to...

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Stena Drilling invests over US$85M in Guyana, employs 157 locals

Since 2016, Stena Drilling has contributed significantly to Guyana’s economy through local investments and job creation. Stena DrillMAX en route...