BP to scale down gas production in Trinidad & Tobago by 15 percent

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Reports are that BPTT, said to be the largest gas producer in Trinidad and Tobago, will reduce its gas production by up to 300 million standard cubic feet per day in 2020 and 2021, constituting a 15 percent drop in production.

According to a report in the Trinidad Guardian, the drop in production conflicts with the mid-year budget that finance minister Colm Imbert presented during which he downplayed the significance of the decline.

“Giv­en re­cent dis­ap­point­ing re­sults on a cou­ple of in­fill wells, we are now un­like­ly to have the 200-300 mm­scf/d that we were ex­pect­ing to sup­ply in­to Train 1, es­pe­cial­ly in the 2020 to 2021 time frame. These vol­umes would have been sup­plied un­der a new, as yet un­signed, gas sales agree­ment be­tween BPTT and At­lantic 1,” the Guardian quotes BPTT as saying.

According to the report, “Im­bert told the Par­lia­ment that the drilling cam­paign had re­sult­ed in on­ly one un­pro­duc­tive well and he found the con­cerns to be “alarmist.”

“[The] BP wells with less than sat­is­fac­to­ry re­sults are on­ly two in num­ber and are in­fill wells in ex­ist­ing gas fields. Un­like ex­plo­ration wells, in­fill wells are nor­mal­ly brought in­to pro­duc­tion al­most im­me­di­ate­ly. I am ad­vised that one of these in­fill wells will go in­to pro­duc­tion short­ly, al­though with low­er vol­umes than an­tic­i­pat­ed, leav­ing just one un­pro­duc­tive well. All this dra­ma over one un­pro­duc­tive well is to­tal­ly un­nec­es­sary,” the Guardian quotes Imbert as saying.

The report said BPTT told Guardian Me­dia that the two wells that failed were in its Can­non­ball and Cashima fields “and while the fields are still pro­duc­ing it has had to re­vise its fore­cast for gas.”

BPTT reportedly said: “The two wells con­cerned were in our Can­non­ball and Cashima fields. We will con­tin­ue to pro­duce gas from the ex­ist­ing wells in the Can­non­ball and Cashima fields, how­ev­er, we have re­vised our pro­duc­tion fore­cast for the 2020-2021 pe­ri­od in these two fields. We will re­view the re­sults from these two wells and ap­ply any learn­ings in­to fu­ture in­fill drilling pro­grammes.”

BPTT had an av­er­age pro­duc­tion in 2019 of 2.1 bil­lion cu­bic feet per day. The com­pa­ny told Guardian Me­dia, “There is no im­pact on fore­cast pro­duc­tion from our oth­er fields and there is no im­pact on our 2019-2020 ex­plo­ration drilling pro­gramme or on our sanc­tioned new field de­vel­op­ments, An­gelin, Cas­sia Com­pres­sion and Mat­a­pal. We will con­tin­ue to bring on new wells in An­gelin as planned this year and con­tin­ue to tar­get first gas from Cas­sia Com­pres­sion in the sec­ond half of 2021 and Mat­a­pal in 2022. We will al­so step up our fo­cus on well work and sys­tem op­ti­mi­sa­tion to max­imise base pro­duc­tion from our ex­ist­ing fields.”


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