O&G training institute now offering Tropical BOSIET/HUET/FOET courses in Guyana

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Shikema Dey
Experienced Journalist with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry and a keen interest in oil and gas, energy, public infrastructure, agriculture, social issues, development and the environment.

With new OPITO certification, 3t EnerMech’s Training Centre of Excellence at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara can now offer new courses catering to oil and gas training in tropical conditions.

OPITO is a global, not-for-profit, skills body for the energy industry. It provides certification for offshore workers whose employers require knowledge of safe working practices benchmarked against the same industry standard.

The new courses on offer at the Lusignan facility are the Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET), Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) and Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET) with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS).

“This is momentous for Guyana and 3T Enermech (ODITC) to ensure international standards for safety [are] at the forefront of the expanding oil and gas sector,” said General Manager of the Facility, Alan Sharp.

This recent achievement, he added, means Guyana is becoming more self-sufficient to support the workforce and oil and gas companies operating in the South American country.

“3T Enermech (ODITC) is continuing to invest in Guyana as we continue to expand our operations. We will bring further international accreditation going into 2023,” Sharp also noted.

Named ODITC, the Training Centre was birthed from a joint venture partnership between locally owned Guyanese companies Orinduik Development Incorporated, Windsor Technologies and the internationally accredited 3T EnerMech to grow Guyana’s oil and gas talent and support the needs of the region.

And ODITC is the first ever to receive OPITO certification – a prerequisite for anyone looking to navigate offshore work safely and competently.

ODITIC now offers over 500 oil and gas training courses.


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