Well tests begin at TT’s Ortoire block

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Trinidad’s Touchstone Exploration Inc. said on April 24 that it confirmed the presence of light crude oil at non-commercial rates during the first Royston-1X well production test in the onshore Ortoire block. 

Touchstone said in its announcement that five potential production tests will evaluate the lowest sub-thrust sheet of the Herrera formation at depths between 11,102-11,168 ft. 

Paul Baay, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “The test results and crude oil analysis have been crucial to establish the extent of the hydrocarbon column penetrated by the wellbore, providing valuable baseline information for evaluating the log data and defining future testing intervals.” 

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He added that future production tests target uphole zones with a focus on productive capability and ultimate development potential. The first test was of the least prospective section in the well.

During testing, the well did not flow oil to surface. Swabbed volumes were analysed by a third party confirming 40° API gravity formation crude oil, representing the deepest oil encountered on the block to date. This section of the formation appears to be a low permeability reservoir, and further testing will not be conducted, the company explained. 

Touchstone noted that it will continue testing operations with four potential additional tests targeting an aggregate 384 ft gross with a program to evaluate each identified sand interval independently. The next well test will target a gross interval of 70 ft in the middle portion of the sub-thrust sheet and will be performed with a service rig. Testing operations at this interval will begin once the rig is moved to the Cascadura C location in late May when civil operations at the site are scheduled to complete.

Touchstone is the operator of the well with 80% working interest. Heritage Petroleum Co. Ltd. holds the remaining 20%.


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