Webinar on this week on growing opportunities from Guyana-Suriname basin

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One Basin Three Nations Academy (OBTN/A) is organizing a free Webinar about Oil and Gas Industry Insights for the general public in the Guianas on April 22. Organisers say the current offshore oil and gas discoveries in Guyana and Suriname will offer significant commercial opportunities for both countries, therefore readiness and preparedness will be vital for the South American nations.

The one-and-a-half-hour webinar will present general and basic insights into the oil and gas industry and will provide an overview of the upstream, midstream, downstream sectors and the needs of companies.

One Basin Three Nations launches Regional Energy Training and Technology Center

Started in 2018 as an initiative OBTN has transformed into OBTN Academy a new and unique Regional Energy Training and Technology Center created by joining forces with strategic internationally established industry partners such as MINTRA Group, Technology Catalogue and IN-VR. OBTN said its goal is to deliver value to customers in the Guianas and Caribbean by providing the best possible technology, training and development solutions.


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