Sea-bob and Kiru-Kiru are next targets in major 12 well Stabroek Block campaign

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Hess Corporation’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Greg Hill recently disclosed that upcoming wells in the second quarter for the Stabroek Block will include Sea-bob, targeting the Campanian reservoirs, located 10 miles south of the Yellowtail field. Kiru-Kiru is also the next well on the roster which will target the Campanian and Santonian reservoirs. It is located 3 miles southeast of Cataback.

Hill asserted too that a Fangtooth appraisal well is planned for the fourth quarter of this year.

In terms of exploration and appraisal in Guyana, the COO said the partners will continue to invest in an active exploration programme with approximately 12 wells planned for the Stabroek Block in 2022.

Hill recalled that in January, the Exxon-led consortium had announced two more significant discoveries on the block at the Fangtooth and Lau Lau wells, which further underpin the queue of future low-cost development opportunities.

He also reminded of the company’s triple discoveries at Barreleye, Lukanani and Patwa.

The Barreleye-1 well encountered approximately 230 feet of hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone reservoirs of which approximately 52 feet is high quality oil bearing. The well was drilled in 3,840 feet of water and is located approximately 20 miles southeast of the Liza Field.

The Lukanani-1 well encountered 115 feet of hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone reservoirs of which approximately 76 feet is high quality oil bearing. The well was drilled in water depth of 4,068 feet and is located in the southeastern part of the block, approximately 2 miles west of the Pluma discovery.

The Patwa-1 well encountered 108 feet of hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone reservoirs. The well was drilled in 6,315 feet of water and is located approximately 3 miles northwest of the Cataback-1 discovery.

The Chief Operating Officer said these discoveries further strengthen the development potential of the Block while adding, “With these discoveries, the gross discovered recoverable resource estimate for the block has been increased to approximately 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, up from the previous estimate of more than 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent.”

Hill was keen to note that the company continues to see multi-billion barrels of future exploration potential remaining.


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