Exxon targeting more crude at Lau Lau-1 in Guyana’s largest block

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ExxonMobil’s search for more hydrocarbons offshore Guyana continues with a new campaign targeting the Lau Lau-1 well site located at the prolific Stabroek Block where it has found more than 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent since 2015.

The Noble Sam Croft will be engaged in drilling activities at this new prospect which is situated approximately 113.3 nautical miles (210 kilometers) offshore covering an area of 0.29 square nautical miles (1 square kilometer). Drilling activities could conclude by December 31.

Exxon is also moving ahead with plans to undertake the largest exploration campaign ever in the Guyana basin with multiple wells set to be drilled across several blocks. Results from these forays can see the already huge, discovered resources more than double.

The company has listed a total of 37 wells at the 6.6 million acres Stabroek Block which includes a 12 to 15 well campaign already underway, as well as a 15 well campaign at Canje block that includes the 3-well programme carried out this year.

Exxon currently has six drill ships operating offshore Guyana – the Stena Carron, the Stena DrillMAX, the Noble Bob Douglas, the Noble Tom Madden, the Noble Don Taylor and the Noble Sam Croft. These vessels have been carrying out the various exploration, appraisal and development drilling campaigns.

Guyana’s Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat said in August that discoveries in the Guyana Basin are now likely approaching 13 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources and that he expects there will be many more oil strikes.


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