Woodside targets 231 million barrels offshore Senegal; first oil on track for 2023

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Woodside Petroleum said it is on track to deliver first oil in 2023 from the Sangomar field, which Senegal authorities approved in January 2020. The government approved Phase One of this field development, which will target 231 million barrels.

“This phase will focus on developing the less complex reservoir units and testing other reservoirs to support gas export to shore,” Woodside said.

The Sangomar field is located 100 kilometres south of Dakar, Senegal’s capital.

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In its earnings call for the first quarter of 2022, the Australian oil producer said the field development phase was 56% complete at the end of the period.

“Subsea equipment fabrication is progressing, and the second drillship, the Ocean BlackHawk, is scheduled to commence activities in mid-2022,” Woodside said in its 2022 Q1 earnings report.

Subsea equipment fabrication is also in progress, and equipment continues to be delivered to Senegal. The subsea installation campaign is scheduled to commence in Q3 2022.

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Woodside said conversion activities for the floater continued despite challenges caused by COVID-19, and that the second and last drydock activity scope is complete.

The Woodside Sangomar floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel is intended to be permanently moored to a water depth approximately 780 metres by an external turret mooring system. The FPSO will be capable of processing 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day, 130 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, 145,000 barrels of water injection per day and will have minimum storage capacity of 1.3 million barrels of crude oil.


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