The companies that were successful in the recently concluded Suriname bid round are now to submit their exploration work programme the head of state oil company, Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. told OilNOW.
Chevron Exploration Suriname Limited and a consortium consisting of...
The Council on Foreign Relations
Written by Amelia Cheatham and Rocio Cara Labrado
Venezuela’s descent into economic and political chaos in recent years is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.
Venezuela, home to...
Future deepwater oil fields will enjoy twice the average estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of fields already onstream and Guyana and Brazil are at the top of the list, according to consultancy group, Wood Mackenzie.
In a new report, WoodMac said...
For the last decade no other frontier in the world has delivered the mega discoveries being made in the Guyana-Suriname Basin and from all indications, this is only the beginning. Experts say the basin contains over 20 billion barrels...
Guyana and its sister Caribbean country, Trinidad & Tobago are set to establish a Working Group on energy, investment, trade and cooperation through mechanisms such as the Framework Agreement on the Deepening of Bilateral Cooperation and the Memorandum of...
Even as Trinidad and Tobago pursues green initiatives such as a solar utility project and the first world scale green hydrogen project, representing its initial introduction into a green economy, the government is intent on ensuring the country’s hydrocarbon...
TotalEnergies and its partner Qatar Petroleum have been awarded Block 6 and Block 8 in the Suriname SHO Bid Round 2020/2021. TotalEnergies shall operate these blocks, situated in shallow water with depths between 30 meters and 50 meters, and...
Consultancy group Wood Mackenzie did a recent analysis on the relevance of future oil and gas exploration in a world where energy companies are being pressured to clean up their act and give way to the energy transition. Under...
Qatar Petroleum is increasing its presence in the Guyana-Suriname Basin where latest estimates put recoverable oil equivalent resources to well over 20 billion barrels, representing double what has been discovered so far across the new South American oil province.
One Basin Three Nations (OBTN) has launched a new Regional Energy Training and Technology Center based in Suriname, created by joining forces with strategic internationally established industry partners such as MINTRA Group, Technology Catalogue and IN-VR. OBTN’s said its...