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Bringing Hammerhead gas to shore among considerations for Exxon

ExxonMobil is considering multiple alternative options for the associated gas from the proposed Hammerhead oil development.  Hammerhead, which is currently being reviewed for regulatory approval, would be the seventh Stabroek Block project. For the prior six developments, the associated gas...

Analysts agree current extreme global shocks illuminate need for Guyana to pipe gas to shore

The need for any country to build resilience against oil price volatility and global supply shocks is a recurring conversation. But when Russia invades Ukraine, and causes the biggest oil price jump in years, the urgency to convert this...

Guyana’s leverage to be boosted with gas to shore – President Ali

A significant reduction in the cost of electricity is not the only benefit that will be accrued from the Guyana government’s multi-billion-dollar gas-to-shore project slated for Wales on the West Bank of Demerara. According to President Irfaan Ali, the project...

A consortium of investors can be put together for gas to shore project

By Joel Bhagwandin A contextual Economic & Financial Analysis of Guyana’s Gas to Shore Project Part 2 Though it is assumed that ExxonMobil and its partners will be financing about 50 percent of the cost of the gas-to-shore project, the Government will...

A contextual Economic & Financial Analysis of Guyana’s Gas to Shore Project

By Joel Bhagwandin Part 1 Gas contained at the Liza Phase 1 Development can facilitate the production of 200 megawatts of power generation, enough to power the entire country and can be sustained for more than 15 years. More recently, it...

Piping gas to shore brings major benefits, find the right investment balance urges analyst

The Guyana government is forging ahead with its plan to land a gas pipeline onshore to produce cheaper, cleaner energy and create new economic opportunities for the country of just over 750,000 people. While some have criticized this move,...

ExxonMobil expects ‘significant progress’ on gas to shore project in the coming year, says benefits are clear for Guyana

The newly elected Guyana government has affirmed its position on a gas to shore project, committing to developing a natural gas power generation facility in order to cut the country’s energy cost by some 60 percent; and ExxonMobil Guyana says...

ExxonMobil remains engaged with Guyana government on proposed gas to shore project

ExxonMobil remains engaged with the Government of Guyana regarding a proposed project that could see gas from the offshore Liza field being piped to shore. Since discussions on the project resumed just over a week ago with Guyanese authorities,...

Cheaper power may be closer for Guyana as government embarks on new round of discussions to pipe gas to shore

The recently installed administration in Guyana has already been meeting with companies to further discussions on the proposed gas-to-shore project that would provide the South American country with reliable and affordable power which could see a number of new...

Guyana seeking initial US$1.7M from World Bank to help fund ‘gas to shore’ study

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, has disclosed that the Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Finance has applied to the World Bank for the release of an initial 1.7 million US dollars, out of the 20 million...

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Liza Unity is world’s first FPSO to receive ABS SUSTAIN-2 Notation

The Liza Unity has become the first floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel to receive the SUSTAIN-2 notation...