
Renewable energy among key factors to fuel C/bean climate-smart zone

A ground-breaking partnership to support the Caribbean’s ambition to become the world’s first ‘climate-smart zone’ was launched on Thursday, August 9, 2018. Eight-time Olympic Gold Medal Winner Usain Bolt was in attendance to help fire the starting pistol for...

Venezuela facing compounding oil woes

Though it holds the largest reserves of oil in the world, production levels put it only in the middle of the pack among OPEC member states. Venezuelan plans to stabilize crude oil production do little to address bottlenecks and the...

SBM Offshore says Liza 2 floater would be its largest capacity FPSO ever to be built

Dutch floater specialist SBM Offshore is awaiting the Liza 2 development sanction in Guyana so it can deliver its largest ever capacity FPSO for the ExxonMobil-operated project. The Company was awarded the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) study for...

‘US dollar’ Natural Resources Fund to be held at Bank of Guyana – Green Paper

In outlining its proposed plan for managing future petroleum revenues and establishing a fiscal rule and a Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Guyana government through its Ministry of Finance stated in a Green Paper presented to Parliament on Wednesday, how...

Guyana’s O&G earnings to be invested in “safe and liquid assets”- Finance Minister

A portion of revenues from Guyana’s oil and gas industry, once placed in the imminent Natural Resource Fund (NRF) will be “invested in safe and liquid assets," the country's government proposes.  Among the investment plans touted by the country’s Finance...

Finance Ministry to manage Guyana’s wealth fund

Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund—the South American nation’s Sovereign Wealth Fund for its Oil and Gas (O&G) earnings—will be managed by the Ministry of Finance, headed by Minister Winston Jordan.  The Green Paper for the Natural Resource Fund that was recently...

CLBD, CTVET team up for O&G training

ExxonMobil Guyana’s Centre for Local Business Development (CLBD) and the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) have collaborated to host a two-day workshop for lecturers and instructors of the Government Technical Institute (GTI) and the Linden Technical...

TOTALTEC Academy graduates join Schlumberger

TOTALTEC Oilfield Services Guyana has confirmed that the first group of successful graduates from its inaugural Oilfield Safety Training and Operator Programme have been qualified and joined Schlumberger, a world-leading oilfield service company. “This is a true breakthrough for Guyana,...

Single Fund deemed to be sufficient for petroleum revenue management

A single fund will be the most “effective, efficient and transparent mechanism” for achieving the multiple objectives of the Guyana Government for the successful management of oil and gas revenues.  This is the determination of the Ministry of Finance as...

Venezuelan Petroleum Professor addressing Green Economy Workshop in Guyana

A Venezuelan Professor of Petroleum is currently in Guyana giving advice on developing the oil and gas sector in hopes that the country does not repeat Venezuela’s mistakes.  Professor Carlos Mendoza Pottella, who is the Visiting Advisor to the Central...

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SBM Offshore and Microsoft partner on AI-powered floating power solutions

SBM Offshore has announced a global collaboration with Microsoft to develop AI-powered floating power solutions. The partnership aims to...