
Chamber President urges caution on cash transfers and more focus on relaxing taxes, energy costs

“Proceed with caution” is the advice being given by the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Deodat Indar, to the Guyana government regarding potential cash disbursements to citizens, from oil revenue. “I would advise being cautious...

ExxonMobil looking to continue developmental programmes in Guyana

ExxonMobil, through its philanthropic arm - the ExxonMobil Foundation, will be looking to continue its efforts to create and implement developmental programmes to benefit Guyana.  This will be done through the many partnerships that the company has been forming in...

More youths being introduced to O&G

Twenty-six young people will be introduced to the functioning of the Petroleum industry and its basic operations through the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) 2018 Youth Apprenticeship Programme which was launched on Monday, August 06, 2018 at the Pegasus...

Guyana establishing new Energy Department

The Guyana Government will be establishing a Department of Energy within the next few months. This announcement was made by the South American nation’s Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, on Tuesday evening. Speaking on the matter shortly after the...

Fastest-growing African oil-producing economy is even bigger than it seems

(Bloomberg) Ghana plans to publish overhauled economic data that will show its gross domestic product is bigger than currently estimated. The West African nation will remeasure economic output using 2013 prices instead of 2006 and the basket of activities used...

ExxonMobil now a strategic partner of GIPEX 2018

ExxonMobil has signed on as a Strategic Partner of the inaugural Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit & Exhibition (GIPEX 2018) which is scheduled to be held on February 7-9, 2018 at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana. The event, which UK-based...

The life of a well: Part 3 – Types of wells

Types of wells: A well drilled to discover a new oil or gas reservoir is called a wildcat or exploratory well. The well that discovers a new field is called the discovery well for that field and subsequent wells...

The life of a well: Part 2 – Drilling

Deciding where to drill: No surveying technique can actually see oil and gas underground, but seismic and other technologies can help earth scientists identify rocks that are capable of holding oil or gas deposits. That can give an explorer...

How did oil come to run our world?

The first recorded uses of oil: 3,000 BC We are not the first people in history to exploit oil as a resource. Some of the earliest civilisations relied heavily on oil. Crude oil that had bubbled to the surface was used...

Canadian consultant applauds Gossai for work at GOGA

Canadian consultant Rob Strong of Newfoundland Canada has expressed his appreciation for the work that Bobby Gossai Jr. has done for the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA). Gossai, GOGA’s former Chief Executive Officer, recently announced his decision to...

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Liza Unity is world’s first FPSO to receive ABS SUSTAIN-2 Notation

The Liza Unity has become the first floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel to receive the SUSTAIN-2 notation...