
Total confirms plans underway to deliver first oil at Suriname Block 58 by 2025

French oil major total has confirmed that plans are underway to begin developing oil fields at Suriname’s Block 58 as early as 2025, around five years after the first major discovery was made at Maka Central-1, mirroring the rapid...

Resource potential of Guyana-Suriname basin exceed 18 billion boe – ExxonMobil

The resource potential of the Guyana-Suriname basin where ExxonMobil has to date made a total of 19 discoveries (18 in Guyana and 1 in Suriname) is estimated to contain more than 18 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources, the...

Guyana condemns incursion of Venezuelan fighter jets at Eteringbang

Guyana's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday issued a statement condemning the incursion of Venezuelan fighter jets into Guyana's airspace on March 2, 2021. Below is the full statement: PRESS STATEMENT The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana...

Concerned about ‘oil leaving underground’ Colombia looking to boost pace of investments

Colombia, which holds regular licensing rounds to invite investment in its upstream sector, has recently undertaken what National Hydrocarbons Agency President Jose Armando Zamora called a "full review of our contract offering for bidding rounds," building on its attractiveness...

Suriname lines up new shore base port

(Caribbean Maritime) In 2020, amid the worldwide Covid-19-induced economic downturn, Suriname reached second place, only behind Russia, in terms of discovered oil and gas reserves. And all this from just one offshore find in Block 58, and without counting...

SBM Offshore is sole bidder for giant Brazil FPSO

Brazil’s state-controlled oil company Petrobras received only one proposal, from Dutch floater specialist SBM Offshore, in a bid to construct the Mero 4 oil production platform in the Santos Basin pre-salt, two sources with knowledge of the matter told...

Brazil’s Enauta restarts production well after shutting down to replace oil heaters

(S&P Global Platts) Brazilian independent oil and natural gas producer Enauta restarted a single production well at the offshore Atlanta Field, pumping about 10,400 b/d as expected, the company said Feb. 22. The 7-ATL-4HB-RJS well was restarted after swapping out...

Eight Suezmaxes booked out of Guyana so far this year as output set to balloon – Platts

(S&P Global Platts) A partial easing of US sanctions on Venezuela on humanitarian grounds could pump Caribbean-loading cargoes into the Aframax and Suezmax markets, reviving the traditional local and long-haul Caribbean-loading routes. Uncertainty on the Biden administration's approach to...

Credit agencies should reward oil majors for natural gas developments

By Arthur Deakin - OilNOW On January 26, one of the most influential credit rating agencies in the world, Standard & Poor’s (S&P), said it was considering downgrading the rating of 13 major oil and gas producers, including ExxonMobil, Shell...

Bahamas well fails to deliver commercial crude

The Perseverance #1 well in The Bahamas did not encounter hydrocarbons in commercial quantities, Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) announced on Monday. The well reached a depth of approximately 3,900 meters without incident and will now be permanently plugged and...

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An inside look at the complex nature of moving a drillship 

Relocating a drillship requires careful planning and execution, according to Richard Wells, International Logistics Manager at Stena Drilling, who...